MTC® Handbook Equine
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This equine kinesiology taping book teaches animal health professionals how to effectively treat specific injuries and other conditions. The book explains the basics of kinesiology taping on horses with step-by-step content i.e. treatment of scars, muscles and ligaments. Additionally, the manual provides professionals with in-depth descriptions (using supporting images) of specific applications of kinesiology taping.
Information MTC book “Kinesiology taping for horses”:
- ISBN/EAN 978-90-825826-0-4
- Author: Renate Ettl
- Illustrator: Jeanne Kloepfer
- Medical Taping Instructionbook with 276 photos (full colour)
- Pages: 207
- Size: 27.5 x 19.5 x 1.6 cm
- Weight: 938 grams
- Language: English
- First edition: March 1, 2017
- It starts with the fundamentals for thorough and extensive assessment based on gait analysis, palpation and specific testing. These are essential to identifying the individual problem in equine tissue.
- Instructional content clearly describes how to apply the tape, the degree of tension required, the various application sites and colours. Professionals using the book will be able to individually treat horses with the appropriate taping techniques.
- A detailed explanation of 50 different applications (i.e. muscle tapes, correctional tapes, fascia tapes etc.) and the different taping techniques (such as; I-tapes, Y-tapes, lymph tapes and crosstapes).
- High quality illustrated images support the educational content step-by-step and enables the animal health professional apply the tape in their day-to-day business.
VetkinTape® kinesiology tape is an easy-to-use, latex free and TÜV quality mark certified product. It is specifically developed for the veterinary professionals.
VetkinTape® supports the animal's body, enhances movement and reduces pain. It can be applied as an additional method combined with animal physiotherapy or applied as a stand-alone treatment method. Applications of VetkinTape® for horses can be: reduction of pain in muscles and/or joints, posture problems or movement issues.