ConCord Longe
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The unique feature of the Concord Longe is that it allows a horse to move freely, there is nothing fixed that could hinder the movement and it helps a horse to get into the correct form of movement. Horses that dive too much will move more upwards and horses that rise too much will move more downwards.
The Concord Longe is a special method that allows you to continue working during lunging. Horses adopt a natural self-position and move more symmetrically and well through the body.
The Longe is a unique manual method that, just like the Leader, lowers the horse's head in a casual way, activates the abdominal muscles and relaxes the neck and back.
The Longe gives the rider insight and more awareness about compliance and offers the possibility to let the horse move in good connection during lunging.
- Works symmetrically, nothing needs to be set, so everyone can easily lunge with it
- Horses themselves find the right posture and quickly come into a relaxed posture
- Supporting effect in the development of the back muscles
- Also works for horses that are untrained
- Has a beneficial effect on the training and training of a horse
- An instrument that makes it possible to work in immediately during lunging
The Longe is made of high-quality and natural materials. Braided from 100% cotton and has the right thickness so that it feels soft for the horse.
The finish is handmade (so-called splitting). The pulley is from the well-known sustainable brand Sprenger.